Interview Questions:
Testimonials / Case Studies
Case study videos or testimonials are ideal for capturing real stories of your businesses impact on your client. Below is a comprehensive guideline on how to share your clients story, as well as a list of questions to get different responses. You can choose from the list below or come up with your own questions. For some videos you may only choose to answer one question if you believe there will be a longer response.
Testimonial/Case Study Guideline:
Introduce yourself, tell us your name and any other relevant info
What were you hoping to achieve before engaging XYZ company
Connect with pitfalls you have faced before using xyz
What was holding you back from achieving those goals?
Focus on what you have overcome since using xyz
Talk about the emotions you felt prior to xyz
What did XYZ company help you with?
Talk about the emotions you felt during xyz
Talk about metrics you saw during xyz
How has XYZ company helped changed you/your business for the better?
What would you say to someone interested in using xyz
Additional questions:
How did you discover β¦?
What made you decide to work with�
What convinced you to buy (insert product/service)?
What results have you seen in your life/business?
What do you love most about (insert brand name/product)?
What were your hesitations before purchasing if any?
Where were you then and where are you now?
What was your main reason for purchasing?
What has surprised you or given you the most joy?
How has your life changed?
What have you learned?
What is the single most important benefit you have received?
What was your main problem/concern that prompted you to buy xyz?
How do you FEEL now you have achieved xyz?
What has exceeded your expectations?
Describe the process of working with xyz.