Preparing for your Interview.

What to wear:

When it comes to selecting clothes for your video, it’s a personal choice. Remember to go with items you love and feel comfortable in. The only strict rule we have is please avoid stripes and strong patterns as these can come up warped on camera. If you are unsure on an outfit feel free to ask us our opinion.

The setup:

We will conduct the interview slightly off camera, so you will be looking at a person and not the camera. For this reason ensure you keep your eye contact in the direction of the person interviewing you and avoid looking at the camera.

Important tips:

When saying your answers make sure to end your sentences with the tone of a full stop to indicate it’s the end. For example a common mistake is ending a statement like this:

“We’ve had the business for close to 5 years now and it’s been amazing to watch it grow from our garage to our warehouse...and...yeah!”

In the editing process it’s quite hard to make a cut at the end of that line when it doesn’t end with a defined full stop. This is how it should sound:

“We’ve had the business for close to 5 years now and it’s been amazing to watch it grow from our garage to our warehouse.”

Saying it like this also makes you sound more professional.

Our team will guide you on the day and may ask you certain questions again in order to get the best take possible.

We want this interview to be authentically you however from time to time we may give you a prompt to lead in or end a sentence so that we can make sure the final video is as cohesive as possible.

Remember, we will edit this video so any mistakes that are made will be removed. If you get half way through an answer and you don’t like the direction you’re going you can 100% start again!

How to prepare:

The great thing about interviews is that you don’t actually need to prepare anything! The interviewee will ask you a series of questions and you’ll essentially jut be having a conversation with them whilst the cameras are recording. We will (most likely) have 2 cameras setup so that way we are able to cut up any mistakes that happen - so don’t stress about “messing up” or “needing to be perfect”, let your personality shine through as that’s what makes the video interesting!


Take a look at this example of the “raw footage” vs. the “edited video”. After the interview the talent kept apologising to me saying he said “um” to much, but I knew it wasn’t going to be an issue as we are able to cut up and remove that from the final video.