Video Terminology Glossary.
Aerial Imagery:
Video captured using a drone.
A-roll & B-roll
The footage that comprises a video, A-roll is generally the storyline content, where-as B-roll is the overlay footage.
The A-Roll within this video is all of the videos that have Jack talking to camera, and the B-roll is the footage of the athletes training & interacting with Jack and the other coaches.
Call to action:
So you’ve got your audiences attention and they watched your video all the way through, now what? You want to instruct them to do something. Eg. “Follow us for more content like this” “Contact us to discuss how we can help you XYZ” “Shop the range now” and so on. Not every video needs a call to action but it is recommended for all videos that aren’t on your website.
Lower Third Title:
1-2 lines of text that introduces the talent that is generally placed towards the bottom of the screen (hence lower third). The first line is their name, and the second line can be their title.
What do you want to introduce your video? Animated text, powerpoint slide, or maybe your logo stinger? Not every video needs an intro but the option is there.
Similar to an intro, but this goes at the END of the video. This could be an animated logo stinger, a 2D version of your logo or a powerpoint slide. Not every video needs an outro but the option is there.
Talking head:
This can be in the form of an interview or piece to camera and the talent is generally looking down the barrel of the lens.
Animated Text: Text that is brought to life with motion throughout the video. Animated text takes more work than overlay text and will be billed accordingly.
Overlay Text: Text that is on top of the footage but has no motion.