How video can build connections with your prospects on autopilot
Service based businesses are missing out on a huge opportunity of making connections with their prospects by not taking advantage of video..
Imagine a prospect comes across your website, and they watch your “brand story” video.
In this video, they see you, hear you talk, and find out everything they need to know about your business. 🙌🏼
They’re already connecting and forming a relationship with you, before they even reach out.
Now imagine they go to a few of your competitors websites, and NONE of them are using video.
Your business is going to stand out 👋🏼 they’re going to be more interested in enquiring with you as they have more trust in your products & services because of this.
Still not sure if video is for you?
Chat with us to find out how we can help implement a video marketing strategy to grow you business. 📧